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MyNetwork Best Practices

After a number of years leading and participating in mastermind groups, professional networks, executive coaching relationships and numerous web meetings, there are a few things (well, maybe more than a few)  that really make a difference in amount of value you will take away from the experience.

1- Calendaring - The onsite meeting dates are published as well as the schedule for the web-based topical group roundtables.  Put those events in your calendar now and protect them as best as you can. 


For the web-based events you’ll receive an electronic invitation that will include the link to the online meeting and call-in information.Depending on what calendaring software/service you use, when accepting the invitation, it will give you the opportunity to put the invite information into your electronic calendar automatically.If you find that it does not simply copy the meeting information straight from the invitation and paste it into the note of a calendar item that you add for that web meeting.It will look something like this in Outlook, but let us know if you need help.


2 - Engage-Set yourself up to focus and get the most out of each meeting, whether onsite or online.  Do whatever it takes to tune-out distractions so you can really get the most benefit from each encounter.  Take notes, star things that you want to take action on before the next meeting and then as our friends at Nike  say “JUST DO IT!” 


3 - 24 hour rule-Studies prove that teaching a concept learned at least once in the 24 hours that follow learning will heighten your retention and come closer to setting you on a path to quality habit formation.  Find someone in your organization that you can share what you’ve learned and how it can help them.


4 - Accountability |  If you’re not already in an accountability relationship, ask one of the network members help make you accountable for the take-aways you want to act on.  We are our own worst enemies when it comes to excuses, so give someone else the freedom to help make you accountable and then return the favor for them.


5 - 48 hour rule |  It may be hard to fathom, but you will disagree with a network member or the facilitator at some point in time.  Rather than clicking off the call and beginning a personal manifesto on whatever the subject of your heartburn is, then firing it off by email to the outermost parts of the planet – take 48 hours to let it simmer.  [ NO action of any kind (including social network mentions etc.]  If after 48 hours you’re still pretty torqued about the issue, pick up the phone and call the other person and talk it out like big girls do 


6 - No “Hold” buttons | All “holds” are barred from web-meetings.  When you put the call on hold It plays your outdated, funky electronic music for the entire group and no one can proceed with the call.  If someone has beat down your door and absolutely HAS to speak with you then 1) mute the call briefly and deal with it or 2) drop off the call and rejoin quietly after you’ve resolved the fire drill.


7 - Better late than never |  Occasionally you’ll have to re-load the Citrix settings from GoToMeeting and it takes a bit longer to load the web-meeting, or you’re just straight up late for the call, which happens.  If that’s you, just quietly join the call/meeting, figure out where the group is on the agenda and hop into the discussion when it makes sense.   We’ll all be late at some point in time, no need to apologize and share the dismal story about what made you late – we all understand.


8 - Call in anyway |  There may be times when you can’t be at your desk or attend the web-meeting on your tablet, phone or other mobile device.  It might be that your behind the wheel headed somewhere, but have time to listen in, even participate in the call – do it!  You can access the call without being on the web portion of the meeting, so don’t let that stop you from engaging in the discussion……..but don’t forget to turn off your radio!


9 - Coaching |Whether you’ve been coached for years, or you’ve no idea what executive coaching even is, schedule your sessions with your facilitator now, so you don’t miss the opportunity.  These sessions are typically 30 minutes of “talk time” devoted to whatever it is you need…and so much more. 


For more information on other executive and staff level coaching models available outside the network visit or contact your network facilitator.


10 - Be Prepared for CHANGE   It’s not even a 4-lettered word, yet “change” is just as offensive to some people, even when it’s good.  If you fully engage in your network, just be ready for change…expect it, work for it, and most importantly accept it. 


Unless you don’t have a pulse, there’s simply no way you can engage with a group of professional women all focused on the same 3 purposes of Encouraging, Empowering and Enhancing each other without being positively impacted in small and ginormous ways.   Sure – change means work, actually it’s a lot like mountain-climbing itself.  It involves a little bit of sweat, but you’ll be rewarded with a new and lofty perspective when you reach the peak.

Enjoy the climb; the view’s a LOT better at the top!

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