Puzzled by how to keep growing to the next level?
MyNetwork masterminders are leveling up every time they meet at the table.
What Challenges your Effectiveness?
No time
No time, energy and few resources to keep constantly moving forward?
Worn out
Alone, ineffective, worn out carrying the load yourself?
All the answers
Belief that YOU have to have all the answers all the time?
the load
Always bearing the load of being the one that everyone looks to for motivation, answers and solutions?

"MyNetwork was my first step towards new levels of effectiveness."
1st Season Masterminder

"We have invested thousands of hours assisting people just like you."
Professional MyNetwork Facilitator

"We've been where you are!"
5-year MyNetwork Veteran

The numbers speak for themselves.
Hours invested by MyNetworkers in their own personal and professional growth since its inception.
Years of experience at the MyNetwork virtual roundtables last season.
Lives were impacted by MyNetworkers last season.
Lives have been impacted by MyNetworkers since its inception.
1 - Find the MyNetwork group right for you. There's already someone at the table that you need to know.
A MyNetwork mastermind group is a small group of peer professionals who meet in a high-impact virtual setting to learn and collaborate for growth. Now with a nationwide read, the men and women who make up these groups are all there for one thing! To level up their leadership game by gathering ting together in monthly, focused, facilitated meetings that include topical learning rounds, challenge rounds, idea sharing rounds as well as book workshops. Each group is strategically assembled and led by a seasoned industry professional facilitator who also provides two private executive coaching sessions with each member.
Existing groups or those on the launch pad for next season include:
Executive, Principal, Owners
“Rising Stars” – Young Agents
New Producers
NextGen Agency Owners
Mid-level managers – Evolving Leaders
…and just about any other type of group with 2-3 common factors
75% of all fortune 500 CEO’s
meet regularly with peer-coaching groups.
We know you want to be a leader who successfully navigates the challenges of our ever-changing business landscape. In order to be THAT leader, you need to always be open to enrichment and position yourself for growth. You know this, yet it is exhausting bearing the load of being the one that everyone always looks to for motivation, answers, and solutions.
We believe you don’t have to have all the answers all the time. MyNetworkers know that there IS a better way to grow to the next level as a leader. That’s why we’ve invested thousands of hours helping leaders just like you.
We have been where you are! Here’s how it works:
Find the MyNetwork group right for you
Actively engage with your network
Lead confidently every time!
Join a MyNetwork virtual group and keep growing to the next level of effectiveness and success as a leader and for your organization.
Leveling up becomes as natural as breathing when you’re a MyNetworker.